Thursday, March 31, 2011

Too Far Away!

We purchased our Disneyland tickets! I am soooo
excited! We're not leaving till May 1, it's too far away!
 Lowynn was playing with his Batman and Robin
action figures, so he wasn't too happy when I took this picture.
I made him stop to take it!

 Here's just a few pictures of my kids. They're just 
too darn cute!

Sticker Heads =)

Lowynn wanted some stickers, so I got them out. Then he 
wanted everyone to wear one on their heads. It was 
pretty cute, he thought it was funny!

These are just some pictures from the same night!

I love the look she's giving me in this picture! =)
I love spending nights with my family! There's nothing better!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It was Derrick's sister Karree's birthday, and she invited us to go bowling.
It was fun, Derrick kicked butt, I didn't do too well. It's just fun to 
get out of the house!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Derrick's obsession is so bad! He's made Lowynn obsessed, too! Every time we walk by a claw machine, Derrick and Lowynn run over to see if there's any superheroes in it. This time there were 4 of them, and Derrick was able to get them pretty quick. He was even able to grab 2 at a time, and got Oddessey a couple of things. He's a pretty good dad, I would have to say! These are all of the superheroes that he's gotten so far!


I love my little princess! She's so much fun!