Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happiest Place On Earth!

We went to Disneyland last summer, and I never
got around to posting about it! I knew I would want
 to post a lot of pictures, so I figured it would take a 
while to post about! Lately, I've been getting the Disneyland
bug! I want to go back, really bad! We decided that 
we'll go next year, and do some home improvements
this summer. So, for now, I'll just reminisce about our trip!

This is right when we got into our van, ready to head out!
It was only 4:00 am!
 When we arrived, we were about an hour early for check 
in. There was a little park close by, so we decided to stop
and play till we could check in to the hotel!

 The first day, we weren't going to Disneyland. So we decided
to go swimming in the pool at our hotel. 

 Getting ready for bed! He looks so serious! =)

 I just love them!
 Getting ready to head out, and go to Disneyland!!!

 In Tarzan's tree house.
 In Toon Town!

 On Alice in Wonderland ride.

 The Buzz Lightyear ride.

 The Peter Pan ride.

 Dumbo Ride

 Story Book Land Ride

 Finding Nemo 

 Just taking a break!

 Flick's Flyers

 The Train

 I can't remember the name of this ride! It's in 
California Adventures.

 Heimlich's Chew Chew Train

 Tuck and Roll's "drive 'em buggies"

 Monster's Inc.

 Derrick, just being Derrick! =)

 Jungle Cruise

 Waiting for the World Of Colors to start.

 I ABSOLUTELY loved this! I had one of those moments
where I was like, "I am here with my beautiful family, making
such awesome memories!" Don't make fun, but I did get
teary eyed! Plus, it was our last night there!

 The kids sleeping in the hotel, one last time!

 Getting ready for our trip home!

I had such a wonderful time! I am so glad that we were 
able to go on such a fun trip as a family. I love my family,
and enjoy all the memories that we are able to make. We
may not be going this year, but I know that we'll make some
fun memories this summer!