Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Annual Halloween Party!

Julie came and helped decorate and make the chili.
She helped a ton! It took us 5 hours to get the 
house all prepared, decorated, and the chili made!

Shelley and Les/Butterfly and Flowers
 Derrick/Michael Jackson
 Me/Supergirl and Derrick
 Tyler and Ashley
 Bre and Lance/Lydia and Betelgeuse 
 Gaven and Karree
 Tausha, Ray, and Tara.
(Jacob in back)
 Passing out the drinks.

Who has the poison, and becomes the "murderer"?
 It ended up being Lance, and he was able
to "murder" everyone. =)
Andy showing us his choice of drink! =)
 Cambria and Oddessey

Andy and Lowynn/ Batman and Superman
 Karree and Oddessey
 She was watching The Dark Knight.
 Me, Oddessey, Cambria, and Natalie/Cowgirl.
It was a fun night! We had fun eating good food, playing
games, and visiting with old and new friends! It was a lot
of hard work, like always, but it was worth it!
Thanks every one for coming!!!

I'm not sure why the drawings are sideways,
but Derrick drew the pictures for our kids.
It was cute to watch them so intently watching
him draw the pictures. Dora was for Oddessey,
and Frankenstein was for Lowynn. 

Karree, Gaven, and Paytin have been coming over
every weekend. Our kids love playing together. 
Oddessey loves Paytin, and gets so excited when
she sees her! It's fun to watch them play.
I'm so glad that they have cousins that live close!
It's fun to have some one over just to sit and visit 
and just enjoy each other's company.

The Stove Is Finished!

Derrick, putting the finishing touches on.

 It's finished! It looks so good!

 Oh, Derrick! =)
Derrick and Gaven starting a fire.

 Derrick and Gaven had to cook dinner on it!

Karree and I were making fun of them,
but then we thought about baking
cookies in it. We had to try it! =)
 It was fun to watch Derrick restore the stove.
He is so ambitious, and when he sets his
mind to something, he accomplishes it! I love
that about him! He's such a handy man, too!
I also love the stove, it's going to be so much 
fun to have going in the cold months!
It is beautiful, Derrick did and amazing job!