Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fun Day Out!

My mom wanted to go shopping, so we
went to the mall. Tara, my sister, came with,too.
She's the one in the pictures with my kids. 
Lowynn asked me if he could go on the carousel, 
I told him I didn't have money for it, so then 
he turned to my mom and asked, "Grandma, do 
you have money for that?" and pointed to the 
carousel. Of coarse, my mom had to let him go 
on it! He loved it, he's been on a few before, and 
loved them, as well. He's so much fun! Oddessey
didn't react too much. That's how she was on the 
other ones, too.

 Then they wanted to go on all the little 50 cent
machines, and my mom had lot's of quarters, so
my kids had fun!

 Then Lowynn spotted the playground, once 
again my mom couldn't say "no" to him! So they
got to play for a while. I couldn't get Oddessey
to hold still for a picture. Every time I told her 
to say "cheese" she would look away or
run away!

It was fun to get out of the house, even though I
didn't have money to buy anything! It was just fun
to walk around! Plus, my mom bought me a pair 
of pants! Thanks mom! =)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Little Princess Is 2!

I only took a picture of the presents from
mom and dad. She was a lucky girl and 
got a lot of presents from everyone else!

Here's some pictures of the decorations. Our
friend Natalie, helped a lot with the decorations!
Thanks Natalie!

 It's become a tradition for daddy to decorate 
the cakes! He's pretty creative!

Here's the birthday girl! She was pretty ornery,
and kept pulling her headband off before the party
even started. So I kept her distracted with my pens! 

While we sang "Happy Birthday" to her, she
got upset and threw her headband. But we 
got her to "blow" the candles out, (she had help
from daddy).

Here's the pictures of her opening
her presents!

Getting all the toys out and put together. It was 
such a mess! She got so many gifts!

 Her crown would fall over her eyes, and 
she thought it was pretty funny. =)

 Had to add some pictures of my handsome
little man! =)

It's hard to believe that my baby girl is 2! She's
not much of a baby any more! She is getting to be 
quite the handful, and is pretty stubborn! She thinks
we are so funny when we are trying to discipline her,
it's hard to keep composed when she's laughing at you!
She is such a girly girl! She loves baby dolls, purses,
dressing up, princesses, and jewelry. I love her so much, 
and we are so blessed to have her in our lives!