Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friends Reunion!

Hannah, Kristen, Me, Kaylynn, Tiffany, Latisha, and Shaili.

It was so much fun to catch up with our friends!
It's crazy to see every one married with kids! It's
been 3 years since our last reunion, and I can't wait 
till the next one!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!

Saturday night our friends, Andy & Natalie, and their
daughter came over for dinner. Derrick's brother, 
also came over. Then after dinner, we played
ping pong. It was pretty fun! 

Andy and Natalie's daughter, and Oddessey playing.

Lowynn & Andy. I'm sure they were watching 
something that had to do with Batman! =)
 Lowynn, eating some of the goodies we had!
 Oddessey, taking a turn at the game! =)

Don't they look like they're having fun? 
 Derrick, Andy, and Stewart.
 Derrick and Natalie

 Derrick, pouring Andy some sparkling cider. =) 
Getting ready to toast to the new year!

 Andy and Natalie left early. & Derrick and I played 
the wii for a few hours. Waiting to ring in the new year
with a kiss! =)

 He said he was going to pull a funny face!

New Year's day we decided to go to One
Man Band for breakfast, and Derrick's 
sister and her family were there. So we had
breakfast together, and then they came back to 
our house!

Lowynn, being his crazy self! =)

 Derrick and Gaven decided to play some "beer pong"

 Then they added the ping pong paddles to the mix!

 Later that night, Andy and Natalie came over. We again,
played some "beer pong".

 Cambria and Oddessey were loving each other.
It was cute! =)

Then, on Monday, we went to lunch with Andy and
Natalie, kid free!

We had a fun filled weekend with family and friends! Couldn't 
ask for anything better!