Friday, March 30, 2012

Bowling With Derrick's Family

We went bowling with Derrick's family for
Karree's birthday. It was fun to be with family, and
for all the little cousins to play. In the first round of 
bowling, I played miserably! I played much better in the
second one, but Derrick wasted me! I guess we need
to go more so I can be a better bowler! =)

Paytin, Oddessey, and Lowynn

 I love the way Paytin is looking at Oddessey. 
 He was pretty proud that he got to wear bowling shoes!

 Uncle Stewart helping my kids.

 I'm not sure what she got all over her shirt, but it
looks like she's holding it in her mouth! =)

 Stewart and his fiance Erin.
 Erin and I
 Oh boy, these two! They sure know how to 
pose for a picture!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Loving the Weather!

I am LOVING this weather! We try to get
outside and play as much as possible! Here 
are some pictures of us playing outside. =)

We went on a little picnic with some of my
relatives. It was fun to get away from the house
for a little bit! The kids had a blast!

 This is my grandma, with all of her great grand kids!
We couldn't get the kids to cooperate, so these
were the best that we could get! =)