Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was really nice. Derrick let me basically
 do nothing all day! =) He took care of the kids, and got
them everything they needed. Then for dinner we went to
my grandma Judy's. It was a fun day spent with family!

This is Lowynn, "climbing" the tree.

 Then Oddessey had to "climb" the tree as well.

 She was just off in her own little world, and she
was being so cute. I had to take some pictures of her!

 Lowynn loved the little puppies, he wouldn't leave them alone!

 Oddessey found this little skateboard, she said, "Look
it's a big boy skate." Then she climbed on it and did this.
So my mom, my aunt Shelley, and I all clapped and
said "yay". Then she did this...
 pouted! She didn't like that we were cheering
for her. She is just too funny!
Playing with one of the puppies!
 Oddessey saying her goodbyes. First with great grandma Judy.

 Then great grandpa Terry.
 Then grandma Terri Lynn.

 Lowynn would only say goodbye to his great 
grandma Judy. He forcefully went to his great
grandpa Terry, but only long enough for a quick kiss,
so I didn't get any pictures of it. 

 Then I had to take some pictures with my kids, who wouldn't
cooperate very well! Especially Oddessey, these were the best
we could get!

I love being a mother, it is the most rewarding thing 
ever! I sure do love my Lowynn and Oddessey, very much!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mini Vacation

Since we decided not to go to Disneyland this year, we 
decided to take a mini vacation. It was a lot of fun
spending time with my family! There are a ton of 
pictures, just to warn you now! =)

First stop was The Living Planet Aquarium.

My babies are getting so big! They aren't babies any more!

The otters were so fun to watch! They were very playful!

He has to do something funny!

We let them pick something out, and Oddessey chose
this penguin. She already has a stuffed animal of a penguin
that is always in her bed, and she loves it! I'm thinking 
penguins are her favorite animal! =)
We stopped at Red Robin to eat dinner before heading
to our hotel.

Then we made it to our hotel! Our kids wanted to
go swimming really bad, so that was the first
thing we did!

I love this!
Both of my kids love the water, but Lowynn just likes to 
stay on the stairs. I held him and walked out into deeper
water, and he was protesting the whole time, but I 
didn't care. I was going to make him get in the water! =)
Oddessey on the other hand, LOVES it! She wanted 
Derrick to take her in the deep water. He would hold her
on her stomach and she would kick her feet and move her 
arms. She's going to learn how to swim in no time! 

Then the next day we went to the Hogle Zoo. It was
kind of chilly in the morning, but once the sun came out,
it warmed right up. It was perfect weather!

When ever he wears his jacket, he has to wear
the hood! He's funny!

This elephant makes noises, and it was making
Oddessey nervous. 

They are just too cute!

 He is so cute, I love how he's always touching
my face. =)

 She was dancing around, I had to take a

Later that night we went to Chuck E Cheeses. My
kids had a lot of fun there! I think Derrick did, too! =)

The last day of our mini vacation, we went to Lagoon.
It was so much fun! I used to go there all the time when
I was little with my family. It's so much fun to take my little
family there and make such fun memories!

 This ride actually tickled my stomach pretty good. Oddessey
cried a little bit, and Lowynn was saying he wanted to get
off of it. It was pretty funny!

 Notice Oddessey covering her face, she was a little worried
that it was going to feel the same as the other ride. =)

 We took Lowynn on the new roller coaster, and he did
really good! It's crazy to see my little boy going on such
a big ride! He's growing up!

 Lowynn is such a good big brother. He's always keeping
an eye on his baby sister. He worries about her. I
love them!

 They are so cute!

 These are our attempts at a family photo!

 This was right before we left. Looks like every one was
pretty beat!

I am so glad we are able to do such fun things as a family!
Family is what is most important, and I love making fun
memories with them! Kids grow so fast, every memory is
so important! I love my family!