Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lowynn's 3rd Birthday!

First we went to Shopko, and let Lowynn pick out a birthday outfit, 
and he chose a Batman and Robin shirt, of coarse! =) Then he 
chose to go eat at McDonald's for lunch. In this picture, 
he was staring at the movie pictures for Mario and Thor.
 He's so cute! 

 Then we had to get some last minute things from the
store for his party!
 We weren't really gone that long, but by this time it was 2,
which is nap time. They were both really good,
but they must have been tired! =)
These are the presents from us, all wrapped.
 Derrick was the one who decorated the cake.
He's so artistic, I wasn't even going to try to attempt it! =)

 Most of his presents, some of our relatives showed up late,
so I didn't get a picture of all the presents!

Present from us, and he loves it!
This present is from us, too. It's called a Smart Cycle, 
it's really cool! Plus, we bought a DC Super Friends 
game for it. He loves playing it!
Some of the guests at the party!

 We sang "Happy birthday" to him outside, but it was
 too windy to light the candles so...

 we had to have him go in the house and blow them out. 
He was able to blow them out with one breath. =)

 The kids wanted to try out the fishing pole. It came with
a rubber fish so you can practice casting.

The older kids love to have a ride in uncle Darrel's buggy, 
Oddessey wanted to get in.

 Darrel just went to the stop sign then turned around,
and she loved it. She didn't want to get out.
 I was surprised that Lowynn wanted to get in!
I think that after he seen Oddessey get in, he figured
 it was okay! =)

 We let him stay up till midnight, we watched Indiana Jones
and the Lost Arc. He really liked the show. My mom bought him an
Indiana Jones costume at Disneyland and gave it to him
for his birthday. So he dressed up in it and was having me
call him "Indiana Jones" it was cute! 
He fell asleep during the movie, only for about 15 minutes. 
Then was up playing Indiana Jones again! =)
We had a fun day! It's sad how fast time flies, and how fast Lowynn is growing up! He is so smart and is pretty independent. I love him so much, he is so fun! I can't believe 3 years ago I became a mom! I can't believe my little baby boy is 3! 


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