Monday, July 23, 2012

Playing At The Parks!

We've played at quite a few parks this summer.
My kids love it, what kid wouldn't, right? =)
We've been trying to enjoy summer while it's here!

 She was freaking me out so bad. She would
climb this when I wasn't near her, so I'd have 
to run over to her. She did it on her own 
just fine! =)

 I sure have a couple of monkey kids. They
love to climb. Lowynn had so much fun climbing
this little "rock" wall.

We've been to a couple of water parks, too. My kids
love water, as well.

We went to Spanish Fork's splash pad, and
Lowynn had a lot of fun. Oddessey didn't
know if she liked it or not. I would have 
to give her a little push to get her to go in 
the water. 

 Of coarse, Oddessey had to climb every thing that 
she could!

Summer has been lots of fun! We've made a lot
of fun memories!


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