Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Six years! We have been married for six years! I love Derrick,
he is such an awesome husband, and such an amazing daddy.
I am one lucky woman! =) 

We went out to dinner, then we went to Salem Pond.
We just sat and talked with each other, it was
a fun evening out! I love my kids, don't get me wrong,
but it was nice to sit and visit with each other and 
not be interrupted! We were able to fully listen
to one another. My mom watched our
kids for us. Thanks mom!

 Then later we watched a movie. 

 Oddessey fell asleep during the movie, and Lowynn fell asleep
after it was over. Derrick is just pretending to be asleep. =)

It was a fun day spent with my amazing wonderful
husband, and an awesome night with my amazing
wonderful kids. I couldn't ask for anything more!


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