Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lowynn's First Haircut!

This was a before picture.
 These, of coarse, are of the during...

 His hair was getting long!

 Derrick was using the electric razor, and Lowynn
said it was tickling him. That's why he's smiling. =)

 These are the after...

Lowynn held so still! He did such a good job! It's kind of sad that at 3 years old it's his first haircut! My kids just don't have much hair! It's okay, because it's easier since he's older. I don't want to know what it's like to have to deal with a 1 year old during a haircut! =) He's had little trims 2 times, but not a real haircut. He looks so much older, now! My little boy is growing up! 


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