Friday, December 30, 2011

My Most Precious Little Gifts!

My kids are starting to look so much older! It's sad! 

Oddessey is so pretty, I can't believe how much older she's 
starting to look, especially now that I'm able to do her hair. 
She is such a princess and is obsessed with the Disney 
movie Aladdin. She loves it! She has to watch it at least once 
a day, some times we watch it twice! She can recite a good 
part of the movie, and even sings along with the songs! Oh, how 
I love her! She is such a little drama queen and a girly-girl.
She loves her baby dolls, jewelry, and purses. She also 
loves to dress up like a pretty princess! She is so smart, and 
learns new words daily! 
I am so grateful to have her in my life!

Lowynn is my little prince! He is growing up quick, and is 
just too dang smart! He knows so much, and memorizes things
so well. He amazes me every day with the new things he knows.
He is so handsome and is still obsessed with Batman! He loves
anything superhero! He can name so many of them, even ones
that most people don't know. He can also name the villains. He
even knows the powers, abilities, and origins of a lot of them!
He's such a silly boy, and always makes me smile! I just love him!
 He is such a blessing to have in my life!

I love my kids SO much, they are my world!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

We had a long Christmas Eve! First, we had a party
at our house with Derrick's step-dad, Jay and Derrick's
siblings. Jay and Derrick made breakfast for us, and
then we visited and opened presents! =)

Paytin, Lowynn, Oddessey, and Jaxyn.

Shaylee's in the bottom right.
 Oddessey loves to wear my high heels.
She does a very good job at walking in them, too.
 Derrick and his nephew Jayden.

 Oddessey and Shaylee were dressed the same. =)

 Joanne, Brandie, Jaxyn, Les, Stewart, and Karree.

After everyone left our house, we had 4 hours till our
next party. We put Oddessey down for a nap, and 
Derrick and Lowynn played for a while. =)

Here is our next party. It was with my mom's side of the
family. We draw names with the cousins who are under
the age of 18, and then my grandma has a present for
everyone. It was a lot of fun! =)
 Lowynn with his "cowl" Tara gave to him for Christmas.

 The little cousins opening their presents.
(Lowynn started crying when we told him to go sit by
everyone. So he's not in it.)

Here he is crying... He's so much fun, can't you
tell? ;)

 She's such a little girly-girl, I love it!

After that party, we had to go to Derrick's mom's house.
There we played some games, then opened presents.
We usually just open our Christmas Eve present, which are
pajamas, but we were making Christmas dinner for my family,
and wouldn't be there Christmas day, so we opened
Christmas day presents as well.
 Stewart and Derrick

Then we headed home, put the kids to bed and got 
Christmas all set up. We didn't get to bed till
midnight! It was a fun and exhausting day! And we
knew that the next day would be just the same!

Lowynn's first glance at his toys.
 Oddessey's first glance at her toys. 

 She yelled, "Drums" and went straight to them!

 Lowynn taking a turn at the drums.

Me, opening my presents from Derrick.

 When I opened one of my presents, (a fire proof safe), he told me 
to open the box and look at it. So, I knew something was up. 
I opened the box and then opened the safe, and inside was a box
 of chocolates. He then had me open the box of chocolates,
and inside was a new ring. =) He is so good at surprises, I
had no idea he had gotten me anything. Christmas morning he 
went down into the basement and brought up my presents.
He's pretty sneaky! =) -I wanted a fire proof safe to put our 
family videos and picture discs in. =)
 Derrick, opening the gifts from me and the kids.

 Poor Oddessey was woke up sick. She started throwing up
at 5, and threw up 3 times before 7, when we got up.
Then she threw up 2 more times. She still tried to play with
her new toys. Derrick and I had to open her presents. After
she had a nap, she acted way better. She did the same thing last
year, too! She's making it a tradition! =(

 Playing with their new toys!

 Lowynn wanted to take some pictures, 
here's one of me and one of Derrick. =)

We had a fun filled weekend! I love my family and I love living
close to my extended family! I love all the traditions that
we have, and all the memories that we are making! 
We had a Merry Christmas, and I hope everyone else did, too!