Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's That Time Of Year!

I love this time of year! I am getting so excited
for Christmas! My kids are understanding
more, and they are so much fun to watch.
Every thing's so magical to them! They are so 
much fun!

Setting up the Christmas tree!

 I love this one! =)
 We let Lowynn help out, and this is where he chose
to put the ornaments. =)
 We let them hang up their stocking. It was cute
to watch.

Here's all of our decorations!

It sure is a lot of work decorating, but it's so worth it. The
looks on my kids' faces is what it's all about! Making
memories with my family is the best! I love every 
minute I have with them. We have MANY more 
Christmas's to enjoy! =)


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