Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chris and Toni's Visit!

Derrick's sister Toni, and her husband Chris, lost
their precious baby girl. They live in North Carolina
and wanted to lay her to rest in the Ephraim
cemetery. So, they were here for a few days. It was 
so great to see them, but on such sad circumstances. 

The first night they were here, some of us went over
to Brandie's house, (Derrick's sister), to 
hang out for a little bit.
Derrick wrote a song for Toni and Chris, this 
is a picture of them listening to Derrick sing.
 Lowynn and Shaylie playing.
 Oddessey was so proud that she was holding Jayden.
 Stewart and Erin, Stewart's eyes are half way closed. =)

The next day was baby Izabelle's funeral. I made
sure my camera had new batteries, but when we 
made it to the mortuary, I couldn't find it! When we
got home, it was sitting on the counter! I was 
pretty sad, especially since no one else had a camera.
We were all using our phones!

 Derrick was the one to carry precious Izabelle.
He was very honored. 

 Oddessey was so ornery, by this time it was
3:30, and she usually has a nap from 1-3. 
So she was beyond tired! 
This is a picture with her great grandma Beulah. 
We couldn't get Lowynn to take one with her!
 After the funeral, we all went to a local
pizza restaurant in Ephraim.

Oddessey and Shaylie

Sunday night, we went over to Teresa's for dinner.

Lowynn and Oddessey, watching a movie.
 Oddessey, loving on Jayden.

 Stewart and Derrick are putting together a song, and 
they were working on it all night!

 Then they wanted to show everyone, here's their
audience. =)

Tuesday night, Toni and Chris stopped by
for one last visit. They were leaving Wednesday. =(

It was a very busy weekend and it was so much fun catching 
up with every one. It was sad to see them leave! I hope 
to see them soon!


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