Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fun Day Out!

My mom wanted to go shopping, so we
went to the mall. Tara, my sister, came with,too.
She's the one in the pictures with my kids. 
Lowynn asked me if he could go on the carousel, 
I told him I didn't have money for it, so then 
he turned to my mom and asked, "Grandma, do 
you have money for that?" and pointed to the 
carousel. Of coarse, my mom had to let him go 
on it! He loved it, he's been on a few before, and 
loved them, as well. He's so much fun! Oddessey
didn't react too much. That's how she was on the 
other ones, too.

 Then they wanted to go on all the little 50 cent
machines, and my mom had lot's of quarters, so
my kids had fun!

 Then Lowynn spotted the playground, once 
again my mom couldn't say "no" to him! So they
got to play for a while. I couldn't get Oddessey
to hold still for a picture. Every time I told her 
to say "cheese" she would look away or
run away!

It was fun to get out of the house, even though I
didn't have money to buy anything! It was just fun
to walk around! Plus, my mom bought me a pair 
of pants! Thanks mom! =)


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