Monday, March 19, 2012

Jazz Games!

On March 12, we went to a Jazz game
with Derrick's step-dad, Jay. We were on row
15, it was awesome! We were also on tv. A couple
of parts during the game, you could see us. =)

Then on March 17, we went with our little family
and my mom. It was so much fun! Our kids
did really well. Oddessey got bored, since there
isn't much for a kid that age to do. She wanted 
to walk up and down the stairs, and she was
saying she wanted to go in the van. =)

 For the most part, Oddessey enjoyed it. This is her
saying, "Go Jazz!" she puts her fist in the air when
she says it. =) She had a blast yelling and screaming!

She was yelling "DEFENSE! DEFENSE!" =)
 Lowynn remembered last time we went, and we
bought popcorn. So when we told him we were
going to the Jazz game, he said we HAD to get
some popcorn. =)
 He said he needed to take a little rest. So he laid down
under the chairs. =)

The Jazz Bear!

 A picture of some of the team.

 My mom bought each of my kids a Jazz Bear. They
love them.

We had so much fun! They won both games, too! The first game
was free, and the second one was money well spent! They went
into overtime, so it was like we got an extra 5 minutes for free. =)
I am so glad that we are able to go and do fun things as a family,
I love them! 


Jordan and Leslie said...

So much fun!! So I can't help but notice your seats in your car that fold down and turn into a type of seat with the 5 point harness. That is just awesome! What type of car do you have with those seats?

Trista and Derrick Sprague said...

We have a stow n go dodge caravan. It is very handy! Their other car seats stay in Derrick's truck, so we don't have to move them from vehicle to vehicle!

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