Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Colton and Kallie's Day!

Friday we had Derrick's brother's wedding and reception. Then
Saturday morning Derrick's cousin Kallie had her wedding. It 
was a very busy weekend, we were so worn out! It was a lot
of fun getting to see his side of the family, we don't get to visit with 
them very often! I didn't get any pictures of the bride and groom, 
but Kallie looked gorgeous, like always! They look so happy, and
I wish them all the best! 

At the gas station, getting ready to head out to Ephraim!

We ended up getting stuck in Nephi canyon, because
of construction. We got to the ceremony like 5 minutes too late!
Other family members came in after us, because they got 
stuck in the dang construction, too!

After the ceremony, we had an hour before the luncheon.
Derrick wanted to wash the van, =) then after that we went
to the cemetery to visit the graves of family members.
Lowynn, by grandpa Bob's grave.
Derrick, Oddessey, and Brian, by sweet
baby Izabelle's grave.

Derrick and his grandma Annette.

 My gorgeous husband, and beautiful daughter. =)

 Some of the little cousins playing around at the luncheon.

 She was pretty worn out from the long day!


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