Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We went camping with Derrick's brother, Stewart
and his wife, Erin. It was so much fun! My kids 
were ready to go home the first night, but by
the second day they were having a blast. We 
couldn't have a campfire, and so at night it just
didn't feel like camping! We still had fun, though!
 I am so glad that we have family close by that 
likes to do the same things we do! 

Erin and Stewart setting up camp!
Setting up our camp! =)

Starting dinner, hotdogs! 

I love how he was sitting. =)

Stewart and Derrick played guitars and sang, while
the rest of us listened. We also sang along to some
of the songs!

They fell asleep so good both nights! We sure
are lucky! 

Saturday morning Derrick ran back down to get a stove
from my parents. So we woke up at 6:30, and our kids
were up and ready to go.

Cooking some yummy breakfast!

Getting ready to fish! Derrick just bought a day license, 
and Stewart bought a year license. So Erin and I just
watched them. It was a lot of fun for the adults and our kids.

My kids were so intrigued by the worms!

They also thought it was pretty cool to pick them up.

She had to show daddy!
This is one of their favorite things to do, throw
rocks in the water.

Stewart had the first catch!
Lowynn thought he was so cool climbing this.

Fishing pole in one hand, a Dew in the other!

Their catch!
Trying to be cool!

They weren't very big, but they were tasty!
Right after we cleaned up lunch, a lightening/thunder/rain
storm came in. We grabbed goodies and jumped in Stewart's
truck. We just talked and laughed and had fun. We 
created some fun memories. =) The storm lasted about
20 minutes. Then we were out and ready to play!

 At this point, Lowynn had my camera. He was a little camera
happy the rest of the trip! =) He is quite the little photographer. 

 Oddessey was kind of glued to me for a minute. =)

 Stewart and Erin made us some dinner.

 Lowynn was quite the bug catcher, too! This is 
a grasshopper he caught.
 Oddessey loves playing in the dirt!
 Lowynn fell asleep like this, it was pretty funny!

 Now Erin has the camera! =)

 Their game called "Stretch", I think they made it up!
It was quite entertaining to watch!

Lowynn had the camera again!

 Then I took it to take a few pictures of him, and then
he wanted it right back.

 Here's the butterfly that Lowynn caught.

 This tree was COVERED in ants. They were carrying
things like grass and twigs. It was pretty cool to watch.

Stewart carved this. 
 Derrick carved this, I tried to talk him into carving it
a little deeper, but he refused! Brat! =)

 Fixing their carving.


 Here's their finished project. =)

The second night there were coyotes howling. They came pretty
close to our tents. Thankfully coyotes aren't aggressive. =)
We had a blast! Thanks Stewart and Erin for going with us
and creating such fun memories. Ones that we'll never forget! =)