Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lowynn!

I now have a four year old. Depressing, I know. I cannot
believe that in just a little over a month he will be starting 
preschool. My how the time flies. I remember looking into
his eyes for the first time, he was so little, and now he is
so big. He is completely independent. He is so smart, 
he amazes me everyday with the things that he knows. 
Derrick and I have done a pretty good job with him
so far, I would have to say. =) I think he had a happy
birthday, he got what he wanted, Buzz Lightyear and
Woody. I love my little man!

Presents from mom and dad.
 He wanted a Toy Story birthday this year. It
was kind of weird to branch away from Batman!

 He is so loved! He had so many friends and family
come to his party!

 He LOVES his Woody, he takes him every
where. It's so darn cute!

 He was pretty excited about Buzz.

 My silly little princess.

Derrick and Stewart, trying out Lowynn's 
new boxing gloves.
 He got 2 Buzz's. It was a good thing, too. Because 
Oddessey loves to play with them. So they each get 1.
 The little girls playing.
Oddessey, Paytin, and Cambria.

 I picked her up and she just wrapped her
arms around me. It was so cute.

 Then she started playing with my hair. 
Which she always does.
 Pictures with the birthday boy.

I love my little family! My little man is growing up
too fast. Sometimes I wish time would just slow
down. He is so much fun, so silly, smart, throws big
tantrums, =) is so helpful, and just such a blessing in
our lives!


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