Monday, July 23, 2012

Derrick's Softball Games!

This softball season, Derrick's brother,
Stewart, played and so I had someone to sit
and visit with, his wife Erin! =) They did pretty
good, they were 2 games away from winning
it all. My kids had a blast running around and 
playing on the playground. Oddessey made it
a little difficult for me to watch the games, 
because I had to chase after her most of the time! 

He fell asleep in the truck on the way over, and
stayed asleep when I moved him into the stroller.
My kids are such good sleepers! =)
 She was so into the game! She was yelling,
"Go dad! Go, go, go!" =) She's so cute!

 Eating their ring pops that we have to get 
every week.

 She is finally getting hair! =)
 She loves her glasses, whenever the sun is
shining, she needs her glasses.
 He loves cotton candy, as you can tell.


 Carter and Oddessey

They had so much fun playing on the grass. They
have great imaginations! 

They could see fireworks, so they were standing up
there to watch them. It was pretty cute.


Getting ready to head out to the last games
of the season. It was rainy and cold, so my
mom watched our kids for us. Thanks mom!

Erin and I, cuddled up. Trying to stay warm.
Our sexy husbands! Or should I say,
 our goofball husbands! =)

What a fun season of softball. Can't wait for next year!


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