Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Playing At The Park

Lowynn was making us nervous, well, mostly
just Derrick! He's just like his daddy, and loves
to climb! He was going up all the different ways to 
climb, and was having a blast! Derrick, on the other 
hand, was freaking out! =)

 Then he had to try the monkey bars, but of coarse he 
can't do those on his own yet. So dad helped him.
 Oddessey fell asleep in my arms, and we were
able to transfer her into the stroller and walk to 
the park. She stayed asleep for a while, but 
woke up and was ready to play!
 For a while she just liked to wander around.
 I love this picture! =)
 She was able to climb up the stairs and go down the 
slides all by her self. It was nice to just be able
to sit and watch them play.

 She wanted to try and climb up this one, so daddy
had to get up and help. =) He's such a good sport!

We went up to Eagle Mountain to go to Derrick's aunt Julie's house. It was fun, and the kids had a blast getting to play at this park, and getting to play with their cousin, Brian. We had fun! 


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