Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Roughing It!

Sitting around the campfire. Oddessey loves babies!
She's always playing with them!

 Oddessey and daddy all cuddled up.
 Getting ready to go to sleep. The kids loved
the tent. They thought it was a fun place to play!

Lowynn loves to lay his hand on Oddessey. It's
so cute! He also likes to rub her head. =)

He had a dirty face! He also kept on sticking
his dirty finger up his nose! So he had a dirty
nose, as well!
Oddessey and Paytin

Making breakfast! It was so yummy!

They had the funnest time playing in the dirt!

He jumped on to this stump and said, "I'm
the Flash." He's so cute.

Another dirty mug!

The kids playing.

We went camping with Derrick's sister Karree, and her husband Gaven, and their daughter Paytin. It was a lot of fun to be out doors! I haven't done that in a long time! Our kids loved the new experience and had a ton of fun! It was nice to take a few days away from reality and just relax! We need to do it again soon!


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